28th Sept 2022

I was awake at night and scrolling the YouTube and Facebook in the name of seeking knowledge until my wife suddenly said that she won’t allow me to sleep in the afternoon for being awake at night. I was already feeling sleepy so I immediately turned off my phone and started sleeping. I immediately fell asleep.

In the early morning, I started to get to so many thoughts in my brain. I remembered about one guy telling on FB about his channel crossing one million on YouTube and also that he got the highest revenue of his life this month. I was getting jealous of him and that thought couldn’t let me sleep. I was feeling angry at myself. I want to do so many things and become successful in my life as I have already crossed 30 but still I am living a life like in my 20s.

I want to change my life and for that I need to change myself. I can begin the change my doing what matters the most on daily basis. I need to think long-term and futuristic. My each action should be making my future better. I have to change my mindset. I have to do many things consistently in my life such as exercising, yoga, running, cardio, meditation, chess, eating healthy food, reading books, skin care, affirmation, visualization, learning new knowledge, implementing new knowledge.

Just day before yesterday, I learned a new concept that the knowledge we learn through videos gives us a different understanding, what we learn through tet gives us different understanding and what we directly experience and feel gives us different kind of understanding. Suppose a person who has learned everything about colors through tet books & in theory and never seen any color in his lifetime will not know how the actual color looks like. Theory and practical are both equally important and just reading the books is not enough. If the learned knowledge is not applied anywhere, then it is an incomplete understanding. Sometimes, we might not believe the understanding from theory and doubt it if it is not applied and tested. Therefore, each knowledge learned from anywhere should be tested. It gives us better understanding of the knowledge if it is accurate knowledge or not, or how much right or wrong the knowledge is.

Speaking of knowledge, one needs knowledge to ecel in any field and not just knowledge in a field and vast amount of knowledge and eperience in it. A person who is highly ambitious cannot ecel in anything because he wants to do all things. If he is doing all the things, then he will not be able to justify one thing because his time is getting divided into many different things which can be actually concentrated on only one thing in his life. When all the rays of light focus on one single area through lens then the intensity just get increased. Likewise, in life, one should be focussing on one thing. If he does not know about where to focus, then keep asking and keep looking for it until one day you know eaclty what it is.


Time: 1451

My wife’s birthday is going to come and today from the morning we were deciding how to celebrate the birthday and what to do on her birthday. After going through multiple thoughts and ideas, we finalized that we will hire a baby sitter who will come

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